LalVigne Academy: First Edition
Lallemand Oenology organized in Spain from March 7th to March 9th, 2017 the first Edition of the LalVigne Academy, an international event where winemakers and winegrowers share their knowledge and experiences in the field of viticulture and winemaking, and to which world-renowned researchers and prestigious wine & vine specialists are invited speakers.
World-renowned researchers and specialists
In this first edition, Pr. Melané Vivier from the Department of Viticulture and Oenology at the University of Stellenbosch, South Africa, spoke of the evolution of aroma and phenolic compounds along the maturity and presented the work done by his team with LalVigne AROMA.
For his part, Norrel Robertson MW, Spain, gave a 360° overview of the challenges of viticulture and oenology and led a tasting that demonstrated how the LalVigne MATURE and LalVigne AROMA applications can be useful tools to produce higher quality wines.
Pablo Carbonell Ph.D. from del Instituto de las Ciencias de la Vid y el Vino (ICVV, Spain), explained the External factors affecting genes involved in the synthesis of phenolic and aromatic compounds in grapes.
On a more practical level, international consultant Dominique Delteil, France, explained and shared the grape tasting methodology, recalling its importance as a decision-making tool for winemaking.

Visits to vineyards & wineries
On the last day of the program, attendees were able to visit wineries and vineyards of the Denominations of Origin of Rueda and Ribera del Duero which use LalVigne, accompanied by Fr. José Ramón Lissarrague, Spain, Professor of Viticulture of the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM) and international wine consultant.

LalVigne Ambassadors
A conclusione delle tre intensissime giornate i partecipanti sono diventati a pieno titilo Ambassadors of LalVigne, impegnati per una viticoltura più sostenibile guidati dalla filosofia di Grow you wine, ovvere pensare i propri vini partendo dal vigneto